Saturday, November 28, 2009

Street Art 3D Terbesar

Street Artist dari Jerman, Edgar Mueller membuat sensasi. Artist spesialis street -big size- art ini masuk Guinnes Book of World Record setelah ia membuat street art 3D terbesar di dunia.

Mueller, yang telah terjun ke dunia street art sejak 16 tahun ini memerlukan 6 hari untuk membuat karyanya. Ia menggambar karakter kartun Ice Age
( Manny, Buck, Sid, Diego, Scrat dan Scratte) di luar pusat perbelanjaan Westfield, London, Inggris. Pembuatan street art 3D seluas 330 meter persegi itu bertepatan dengan peluncuran DVD terbaru Ice Age, yakni Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha 1430 H

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha 1430 H
Mohon maaf atas semua kesalahan saya. Semoga amal ibadah kita diterima oleh Allah SWT.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dukung Pulau Komodo Sebagai 7 Keajaiban Dunia

Tahukah kamu apa Pulau Komodo itu dan dimana keberadaannya? Secara administratif, pulau ini termasuk wilayah kecamatan Komodo Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia.

Sesuai dengan namanya, di Pulau Komodo terdapat reptil raksasa yang mempunyai ukuran paling besar di dunia. Reptil yang tidak lazim adalah biawak Komodo yang dipercaya sebagai sisa binatang purba Dinosaurus yang mencapai 140 kg. Menakjubkan bukan?

Satwa ini memang hanya terdapat di Nusa Tenggara Timur, Padar dan Rinca serta beberapa pulau kecil yang terpampang di antara pesisir barat Sumbawa dan pesisir utara, Flores. Komodo senang berada di dalam liang-liang tanah, kandang juga terdapat di bawah batu atau akar pohon. Reptil ini dapat bergerak dengan cepat. Dan hebatnya, binatang ini juga dapat berenang di air. Ternyata, Komodo memiiki kemampuan yang luar biasa juga…

Selain itu, reptil yang sering disebut “Naga Komodo ini
memiliki Geligi dan mulut yang merupakan mimpi buruk bagi semua korbannya. Dipenuhi kuman dan bakteri yang mematikan, geligi dan mulut seekor komodo memiliki peran yang vital dalam memburu mangsa. Komodo biasanya memakan hewan yang usianya relatif muda ataupun hewan yang terluka karena lebih mudah diburu. Akan tetapi, komodo yang bertubuh besar itu kadang menyerang hewan ternak yang berukuran besar pula. Seekor komodo cukup menggigit korabannya satu kali saja. Kemudian ia akan mengikuti mangsanya selama berhari-hari apbila perlu. Kuman dan bakteri akan mematikan mangsanya cepat atau lambat. Saat hewan ini mati,tiba pulalah saat bagi sang komodo untuk berpesta ria menikmati hidangan lezat..

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Using Cell Phone in the School ( Discussion Text )

In this globalization era, we separate from technology, including cell phone. Now, many people have cell phone. Including us, we also have cell phone , haven’t us? But there is a controversy about using cell phone at school. Some people against with the using cell phone at school, but some people support it.

Those who agree to use cell phone at school will bring beneficial. For example, we can browse the internet with our cell phone to find out some lessons that we don’t understand. Another beneficial of using cell phone is if we haven’t scientific calculator and a dictionary or too heavy to bring dictionary to school, we can down load scientific calculator and digital dictionary to our cell phone. So, we can study with our cell phone.

Not everyone agree with this idea, however some people feel that it could have terrible effect. When the student feel bored with his lessons maybe be quietly use his cell phone to play game or to access social networking such as facebook or send short message to his friend. So, it will disturb his lessons. The fatal effect is when student have something about porn in his cell phone. It makes his moral so bad.

The school rules therefore made rules about using cell phone at school. It can make the student’s moral so bad. But, it can use to support our study.

Saran.nya ya.. Discussion text buatan saya masih jauh dari kata bagus

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tips merawat monitor

Setiap komputer pasti ada monitornya. Untuk sebuah komputer pribadi, monitor merupakan perlengkapan yang penting. Tanpa monitor kita tidak dapat melihat output tampilan gambar yang ada di komputer. Karenanya monitor harus kita jaga agar tidak cepat rusak. Bagaimana caranya ? Cukup sederhana, silahkan baca terus kelanjutannya.

Perawatan monitor yang sip menjamin monitor kita untuk dapat hidup lebih lama. Kita bisa memperpanjang usia monitor dengan memakainya secara bijaksana. Usia monitor yang lebih dari tiga tahun merupakan usia yang cukup tua. Mungkin bagi orang-orang perkantoran, mereka sudah mulai membuat anggaran untuk mengganti peralatan komputernya. Namun bagi yang berkantong pas-pasan, kita perlu mensiasatinya dengan beberapa tips simpel.

Tips-tips berikut bisa Anda coba agar monitor tetap awet:
1. Mencabut kabel power supply komputer atau monitor dari stop kontak
Jangan lupa, apabila kita sudah selesai menggunakan komputer, segera matikan tombol on/off monitor dan cabut juga kabel yang menghubungkan komputer atau monitor dengan stop kontak. Dengan demikian, tidak ada lagi aliran listrik yang akan masuk ke komputer kita.

2. Mematikan monitor ketika komputer sedang idle
Kadang kala, kita sedang men-defragmentasi file-file di hardisk. Dari pada menunggu proses defragmentasi itu selesai, lebih baik kita jalan-jalan sebentar sekitar 30 menit dan matikan pula monitor Anda.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Free download MP3 and lyrics Dream Theater - Rite Of Passage

click here to download ( FREE !!!)
Rite Of Passage
By : Dream Theater

This is the new world order
Played upon our fears
Spreading accusations
Of radical ideas

The brotherhood of wisdom
Strength and dignity
Its rituals and secrets
Remain a mystery

Beneath an ever watchful eye
The angels of the temple fly

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Some Expressions in English ( II )

Wonder, Hope, and Wish
* I’m curious ….
* I wonder if ….
* I really wish ….
* What is it that you want ?

Indicating Possibility or Capability
* It’s possible that he will win the game
* There is a possibility of his winning the game
* Possibly he hasn’t heard the news yet

Ask Possibility or Capability of Doing Something

Friday, November 6, 2009

Free download MP3 and lyrics Linkin Park - New Divide

click here to download ( FREE !!!)
OST Transformer - New Divide
By : Linkin Park

There was nothing inside
The memories left abandoned
There was nowhere to hide
The ashes fell like snow
And the ground caved in
Between where we were standing
And your voice was all I heard
That I get what I deserve

So give me reason
To prove me wrong
To wash this memory clean

Let the thoughts cross
The distance in your eyes
Across this new divide

And every loss and every lie
And every truth that you deny
And each regret and each goodbye
Was a mistake too great to hide

And your voice was all I heard
But I get what I deserve

So give me reason
To prove me wrong
To wash this memory clean
Let the thoughts cross
The distance in your eyes
Give me reason
To fill this hole
Connect the space between
Let it fill up to reach the truth and lies
Across this new divide

Across this new divide
Across this new divide

Download OST Transformer - New Divide By : Linkin Park
click here ( FREE !!!)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Some Expressions in English (I)

Accusing and Blaming
* You are the one to blame
* I think you are the only person who could have done it
* It must have been you who did it

Declining Mistakes
* I an afraid that wasn’t true
* I reckon you are wrong

Admitting Mistakes
* Okay, I have to admitt that ….
* I know it’s my fault

Making Apology

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

5 tips to buy notebook

1. Be aware of the warranty
One of the most overlooked issues when buying a laptop is the warranty. In the excitement of the new toy you don't even care about this. However, when the laptop has a problem this can be a real headache.
Make sure that you get informed if the warranty for your equipment is good enough. Check with friends that had to use the customer services if the company is efficient. Finally, check if you need to buy an additional coverage package.

2. Choose a processor that is adequate but not too expensive

Processors are the engine of your laptop. If you get a fast one, you can run a lot of applications faster. That is why processor is such an important factor in choosing a laptop.
These days, however, speed is not the only indicator of capacity for a processor. Some processors are more efficient, even at lower speeds. Higher speeds also mean higher temperatures, which can be difficult to manage in a small laptop -- they can literally burn under the heat.
Many processor nowadays are dual, which means that they have a copy of itself available for similar work. This is great because different programs can use different processors, and therefore can run faster as a result. Dual cores are the ones with such capability, and quad-cores (with four processors) are coming to the market.